Swim to Survive Swimming Lesson Schedule

A recent Lifesaving Society study found that almost all Canadians (98%) agree that swimming is a life skill that every child should learn. Yet another study revealed that a surprising 60% of Canadian children don’t take swimming lessons. Bentley School is excited to offer this opportunity to our Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. Permission forms and the $40 fee are online and must be completed prior to participating in the program. Watch for a paper copy of the information required by the pool coming home as well. All forms are mandatory.
Swim to Survive meets the majority of students needs:
- Swim to Survive has the flexibility to meet a wide range of student skill and interest levels.
- Weak and non-swimmers focus on developing Swim to Survive skills.
- Core survival skills are presented in a manner that interests both swimmers and non-swimmers.
- Stronger swimmers focus on participating in challenge items that engage their interest and teach them new skills.
- Students respond well to “swimming is not just about learning strokes”. They willingly working on basic skills (i.e. kicking, sculling) especially when presented in a style that promotes fun (friendly competition, cooperative games, fitness). The stronger their skill level, the more interested they are in challenge items (i.e. entries, synchro, water polo, underwater swims).
- The use of buoyant supports such as lifejackets and AquaJoggers succeed in putting students on an even playing field. Having the additional floatation support allow weaker swimmers to participate equally with their peers. No one misses out on group activities based on their limited skill levels.
- The standard for successful performance is within reach of all students.