
Graduation 2025

Graduation Date: Saturday, June 21, 2025

Venue: Bentley Ag Centre

Time: 5:00 pm Banquet, 7:00 pm Ceremony

Grad Fee: TBA


Dates To Remember

September 26: Bottle Drive (5:30 -8:00 pm) - meet at high school parking lot

November 5: Josten Memorabilia Orders Due. A Josten representative will be at the school by 9 am to take orders or answer any questions from grads or parents.

February 1 : Email sent to all grads and parents in regards to Lifetouch grad appointment set up instructions. If you did not receive this email, contact the office

Feb 14 : VIP Fundraiser (Deadline for orders is March 21, 2025)

February 27 & 28: Casual/Cap & Gown Graduation Photos in high school library - proofs  will be mailed to your home address.

March 1: Banquet tickets go online for sale (one table per grad, seats 8)

June 1: All outstanding school fees and grad fee deadline - pay via cash or online.

June 6:  Banquet ticket deadline to purchase

June 20: Graduates decorate venue from 9 am - 3 pm, grad rehearsal at 3 pm

June 21: Group picture at graduation venue at 4 pm

Grad day: Banquet at 5 pm & Ceremony at 7 pm

Yearbook Questionnaire:

Mrs. Baile and Miss. Webb will share a yearbook questionnaire with all graduates. Please complete it by her deadline if you want your favorite quotes, advice and funny moments to be in the yearbook.

Slideshow Pictures:

  1. baby picture
  2. elem school picture
  3. jr high school picture
  4. any group candid pictures / class photos / field trip group photos / athletic team pictures

Deadine to submit photos to Mrs. McDouall is May 30, 2025


Grad Scholarships/Bursary's

Bursaries/Mattewson & Co - Rural Community Scholarship - $500

Bentley School Scholarships

Provincial Scholarships

National Scholarships

Central Alberta Scholarships

4H Scholarship - deadline June 30

Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

Big Brothers Big Sisters Scholarship - deadline June 30

Blue Mountain Power Co-op Scholarship

Career & Technology (Construction) Scholarship

Central Alberta Co-op Scholarship - deadline is April 30

Ellis Bird Farm Environment Information & Scholarship - deadline May 31

Evergreen Co-op Scholarship Pamphlet

Evergreen Co-op Scholarship Pamphlet - deadline May 31- online application form 

Jonathan Moody Memorial Scholarship - Male only - deadline Sept 17

Linda Tee Memorial Nursing Scholarship - deadline is May 31

MAE Indigenous Education Grant & Application- deadline June 30

Sawyer Kiist Passion for Life Bursary

Federation of Alberta Gas Co-op Award Scholarship

Sylvan Lake Rotary Scholarship - deadline May 31

Lacombe Chamber of Commerce Scholarship - deadline June 3

Lacombe & District Garden Club Scholarship

Lacombe & District Chamber of Commerece - deadline June 28

List of Alberta Scholarships

Martha Kostuch Leadership Scholarship - opens Jan 15, deadline May 31

RE/MAX Quest for Excellence Scholarship

Red Deer Arts (Literary, Visual, Performing & Cinematic) Scholarship - deadline April 1

Red Deer Polytechnic General Award Application

University of Alberta Application Based Scholarships

University of Calgary Prestige Award Scholarship

University of Calgary High School Entrance Awards

University of Lethbridge Board of Governor Admission Scholarship

Queen's University Major Admissions Award Application

Burman University Early Admissions Tuition Scholarship

Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

PEO Scholarships - Females Only

Scholarship Opportunities for Female Students

STAR Scholarship, Florence Taylor Scholarship & Evelyn Henry Scholarship - females only!

Storwell's Foster Children Bursary Program

The Cover Guy Annual Scholarship

Sunny 94 Application - Commitment to music and/or broadcast - deadline May 1