Back to School Reminders

Staggered Entry
Bentley School will start the 2022-2023 with two staggered start times. Students will attend one full day of classes on their assigned day. This enables students time to get settled, introduce routines, get to know their teacher, put away their supplies, etc. Please refer to the staggered entry schedule:
Please refer to your information package.
Grade 1 - 8:
Tues, Sept 6 Surname: A - L
Wed, Sept 7 Surname: M - Z
Thur, Sept 8 All students
Grade 9 - 12:
Tues, Sept 6 Grade 9 & 10
Wed, Sept 7 Grade 11 & 12
Thur, Sept 8 All students
You will be able to find out your child’s homeroom teacher and their room assignment by August 22. Login to your PowerSchool account, click the Grades and Attendance tab and look for the homeroom block on their schedule.
Classroom Map & Student Pick Up and Drop Off
Teachers will be greeting students at their assigned drop off locations. If you are unsure, which door to use, please come in the main entrance. Parents are welcome to come in and visit their child’s classroom during our open house on Sept 29.
Pre-K: E1 (Main Entrance)
Kindergarten: E2 (North Doors)
Gr. 1 & 2: E7 (South Doors)
Gr. 3 & 4: E8 (South Doors in the L cove)
Gr. 5 & 6: E6 (East Doors)
Gr. 7 & 8: E10 (West Doors)
Gr. 9 - 12: High School
Kindergarten Information Packages
Kindergarten information packages have been emailed to all parents. If you are unsure which class your child has been assigned to, please contact the school by email at You can access the packages on our website at:
Chromebooks/Laptops - Jr/Sr High
The Bentley School has 110 chromebooks that will be decommissioned by the end of August 2022. It is strongly recommended that all junior high (gr 7 & 8) students have a chromebook/laptop and it is mandatory for senior high (gr 9-12) students to bring a personal chromebook/ laptop to school starting this fall. There will only be 30 chromebooks available for approximately 60 students in junior high and there will only be 5 chromebooks available for approximately 90 students in the high school.
Wolf Creek is phasing out the chromebook parent purchase program and encouraging parents to access any local retailer of their choice. The global supply of microchips in order to manufacture electronics remains very limited so parents needing to purchase a device for their child should look at purchasing something sooner than later.
Important minimum specs for chromebooks that can be used to support student learning is 4 GB RAM, 802.11ac wifi (intel processor preferred) and ask the retailer about the chromebook expiry date. Wolf Creek’s technology services will be building a BYOD (bring your own device) page under the technology section of the district website to assist parents in purchasing the right device for their child.
Calculators - Jr/Sr High
All jr/sr high students require a calculator; cell phones are not allowed in class or have sufficient capabilities.
Students in grades 7-9 require a scientific calculator.
High school students taking Math 10-3, 20-3 or 30-3, require a scientific calculator.
Students in high school that are taking Math 10C, Math 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2 or 31, require a graphiing calculator.