Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for November 15th & 17th from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Times for Pre-K & Kindergarten do vary slightly. All interviews will be in person in teacher's classrooms. Interviews are available to book from the homepage of our website. Appointments are 15 minutes only. Please help to keep our interviews on time and running smoothly. Parents whose students are on specialized programming will be contacted for an early interview on November 9. Teachers in Kindergarten - Grade 6 will be going over the new Wolf Creek assessment rubric, SeeSaw and other reporting methods available with parents during these interviews. Marks for Grade 7 - 12 will continue to be available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. For detailed instruction on how to view marks in PowerSchool, please click here. If you are unsure who is teaching your child or who to book an interview with, login into the PowerSchool and Online Payments Parent Portal and check the grades and attendace page for a list of the students classes and teachers. Parents are welcome to visit the in school Scholastic book fair during the evening of parent teacher interviews.