Covid-19 Outbreak Status
Alberta Health Services is working closely with Wolf Creek Public Schools and Bentley School to support and manage the safety of our schools. As you are aware, today we received notice there is now an ‘outbreak’ declared at Bentley School.
To date, AHS has notified the Division and the school that there are five or more COVID-19 cases in relation to the school. These are the same cases we notified you about starting on April 13th. AHS has now determined these cases meet their definition of the term ‘outbreak’.
An outbreak is reported when 5 or more cases are confirmed in an investigation, where the disease could have been acquired or transmitted in the school. Contact tracers and public health officials will identify potential exposures and limit spread within the school.
An outbreak investigation is considered over when there have been no new confirmed cases in the school for 28 days.
At this time, based on advice from AHS, Bentley will remain open, and in-school classes will continue.
Parents/guardians of students who AHS deem to be close contacts, and are required to quarantine, will receive a call from Alberta Health Services shortly (24 to 48 hours) with additional information. Bentley School staff have already reached out to these families. Students isolated will continue to be supported by their regular teachers in their learning.
As we continue our focus on preventing the spread of COVID-19, our custodial services team has conducted enhanced cleaning protocols. Additional cleaning was completed and focused on areas where the individuals were present, along with high-touch areas and surfaces throughout the school.
Out of respect to these individuals and in accordance with Alberta Health Services guidelines, we cannot disclose personal details of the individuals that have tested positive for COVID-19.
We remind families to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 using the Alberta Health Screening Questionnaire. Please remember to complete the checklist each day prior to attending school. If you or a member of your family has any of the symptoms of illness listed, please fill out the online Alberta Health Services COVID-19 self-assessment or call Health Link at 811.
Please also reference three additional documents that might help provide you additional information. These documents include a quick reference guide regarding COVID-19 cases in schools and what determines an outbreak. I have also included our reference guide when to keep your child home when they have symptoms, and the link to the daily self-health screening questionnaire
COVID-19 Cases in school Quick Guide
WCPS COVID-19 Stay at Home Guide
COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist
The health and safety of our staff, students and community is paramount. We know this news can be distressing for families and supports are available. Please be assured we will continue to work closely with Alberta Health Services to ensure we follow their ongoing recommendations. Thank you for your continued support.
Lane Moore, Bentley School, Principal
Jayson Lovell, Wolf Creek Public Schools, Superintendent