COVID-19 Stay at Home Guide

With the rise of COVID-19 variants, the province has changed its testing recommendations for close contacts, and quarantine periods now vary for close contacts (dependent on whether they are household or non household close contacts).
AHS now recommends that all Albertans who are close contacts be tested twice. The first test should be booked as soon as possible. The second test should occur between Day 10 and Day 14 (preferably on Day 10) of the quarantine period, if the first test is negative. Anyone with symptoms should be tested as soon as possible.
The mandatory quarantine is still a minimum 14 day period but AHS may give close contacts a different quarantine end date depending on the variant strain.
Please refer to this helpful one page COVID-19 Stay at Home Guide for the latest list of symptoms and stay at home requirements for sick students which have been updated to reflect the current guidelines.