Box 299, 5314 - 49 Street
Bentley , Alberta T0C 0J0
Phone: 403.748.3770 Fax: 403.782.8730 Email: bentley@wolfcreek.ab.ca
Parents, are you in need of a Date Night? Leadership students are offering to babysit your children ages 4 to Grade 5 on Thursday, November 24 for $10 per child. Add a hot dog, chips and juice box for…
Cate McKevitt, from the AB Farm Safety Centre will be presenting to students in Kindergarten to Gr. 6 on Farm Safety on Friday, November 18. Come dressed in your favorite western wear!
Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for November 15th & 17th from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Times for Pre-K & Kindergarten do vary slightly. All interviews will be in person in teacher's classrooms. Interviews…
The Scholastic Book Fair will be on site from November 14 - 18! Classes have signed up to visit the fair, once to view and another day to make purchases. Parents are welcome to visit the fair during the…
Don't miss out on ordering your Christmas baking supplies with Mom's Pantry! Order deadline: November 15, 2022 Place your order online at www.momspantry.ca. Shop Now. Fill your cart. When checking out…
Students will be particpating in a Remembrance Day Service at 11 a.m. on Thursday, November 10. The Lacombe Legion appreciates the opportunity to provide poppies to our students for the service and gratefuly…
Leadership students are hosting a Halloween Dance on Thursday, October 27 from 6 - 9 p.m. Admission is $5 per student or $20 per family. Students under Gr. 6 must be accompanied by an adult. Prizes…
This October, Be a Hunger Hero and stand up to hunger by bringing in your non-perishable food items by Thursday, October 27. All items collected will be donated to our local food bank. There are prizes…
Registration for Hockey Academy is open for Gr. 1 - 8. Pam Stephenson is leading the program this year and it will begin October 18 and run until the middle of March. The cost is $150 and includes a practice…
This is the last week to order from our selection of Bentley School Spirit Wear! This is a limited time offer and the store closes on Friday, Oct 7, 2022. All logos are included. Orders will be delivered…
Grade 12 students will be coming around to Bentley residents on Thursday, Oct 6 between 5:30 and 8 p.m. for their annual fundraising bottle drive. Please feel free to put any bottles on your front porch/lawn…
In honour of National Truth and Reconciliation day on September 30, students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on Thursday, September 29 to bring awareness and honour the Indigenous children who…
Parent Council is excited to welcome Kari Lotzien, owner of Be the Anchor; to a FREE presentation geared for parents on Thursday, September 29, 2022, from 7 - 9 p.m. in the elementary gym! Free child…
We are excited to welcome families back into our building with an open house and meet the teacher on Thursday, September 29 from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This will give families an opportunity to visit…
Bentley School will be participating in the annual Terry Fox Run on September 23, 2022. Please remember to bring in those pledge forms tomorrow. Donations can also be made online at: https://schools.terryfox.ca/BentleySchool.…
Show your school spirit this Friday, September 16 by wearing your panther wear or Bentley School colors of black and gold. Thanks to funds from the Breakfast Club of Canada, Bentley School students…
Every family (new and returning) should have received an email in regards to a returning student profile update for the 2022-2023 school year. We require parents to follow the instructions on the email…
Sr. Girls Volleyball Tryouts (Grade 10-12)Tuesday, September 6Bentley High School Gym 7:00-8:30 p.m. Sr. Boys Volleyball Tryouts (Grade 10 - 12)Tuesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 83:30 - 5:00…
Bentley School is excited to partner with Gull Lake Golf Course to offer golf academy again. We are starting with a fall session that will offer 4-5 sessions in the month of September and possibly October…
Staggered EntryBentley School will start the 2022-2023 with two staggered start times. Students will attend one full day of classes on their assigned day. This enables students time to get settled, introduce…
Box 299, 5314 - 49 Street
Bentley , Alberta T0C 0J0
Phone: 403.748.3770 Fax: 403.782.8730 Email: bentley@wolfcreek.ab.ca
Shop our selection of amazing Bentley School Spirit Wear! Deadline to order is September 29 at 11:59 p.m.
PowerSchool is a secure web-based platform designed to strengthen communication between the school and home by providing parents and legal guardians…
Stay up to date on game and practice times with the Panther Athletics calendar!
To stay current and up-to-date on all our school news, visit the most recent copy of our newsletter. Newsletters are published at the beginning…